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Flowing Spring

Ahn In Suk Poet spent this spring taking pictures and writing poems. This collection of poems and photographs contains colorful flowers blooming in spring, birds, and various sky images. I hope that you get small happiness, seeing and feeling ‘flowing spring’ when the moment you need comfort in your busy life. I recommend this book to those of you who inadvertently missed spring this year.
Ahn In Suk Poet spent this spring taking pictures and writing poems. This collection of poems and photographs contains colorful flowers blooming in spring, birds, and various sky images. I hope that you get small happiness, seeing and feeling ‘flowing spring’ when the moment you need comfort in your busy life. I recommend this book to those of you who inadvertently missed spring this year.
Ahn In Suk majored in English Language and Literature, English Translation, and English Education as a course of BA, MA, and Ph.D. respectively at Korea University. She has been writing poems and producing e-books and books since she debuted as a poet at Sisamundan in 2018.

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