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I try to See Good-bye on Your Back

Time to gaze into the well-like reservoir of melancholy within our hearts This collection consists of poetry, photography, and short essays with the same title of poetry. Approach this as if embarking on a stroll together. Where do we find ourselves in our respective lives? Amidst the hustle of our everyday walks, there emerge moments of sudden sorrow. In those moments, we can find solace in si..
Time to gaze into the well-like reservoir of melancholy within our hearts

This collection consists of poetry, photography, and short essays with the same title of poetry. Approach this as if embarking on a stroll together. Where do we find ourselves in our respective lives? Amidst the hustle of our everyday walks, there emerge moments of sudden sorrow. In those moments, we can find solace in simply gazing into the well-like reservoir of melancholy deep within us. I believe the feeling that this act alone is enough to offer comfort.

About the poet and translator

In Suk, Ahn majored in English Language and Literature, English Translation, and English Education for her BA, MA, and Ph.D. completion, respectively, at Korea University. She has been writing poems and creating e-books and books since her debut as a poet at Sisamundan in 2018.

She translated Korean into English : ⟪The reason why she plays the piano⟫, ⟪Flowing Spring⟫and English into Korean : ⟪진지함의 중요성⟫(Oscar Wilde), ⟪바람이 들려주는 이야기⟫(Hans Christian Andersen),⟪장미의 요정⟫(Hans Christian Andersen).

Her collections of poetry are: ⟪그녀가 피아노 치는 이유⟫, ⟪그냥 쉼⟫, ⟪흐르는 봄⟫, ⟪뒷모습을 보려 노력합니다⟫. She also wrote a play called 《팔동이의 비밀⟫.

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